The proverb "Slow and steady wins the race" echoes through my mind as every day passes. I can feel myself in the lull
of my life. I feel extremely calm and collected even when there are a ton of things racing through my mind or even in
my life. I can consider myself lucky to be in this place of peace and happiness but at the same time, I know I need
to remind myself that I need to keep taking a step forward every single day otherwise I will not go far in life. I
have goals that I know cannot be achieved in one day. "Slow and steady wins the race."
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I totally forgot to post about this, but I ran 3 miles on the treadmill with an average pace of 10 minutes! It was
last Tuesday so September 23, 2014. I decided to just attempt running 3 miles again which I haven't done in awhile.
It was exciting to have hit the mark fairly easily. For the most part the first 2 miles were a breeze at 6 mph and
toward the 2.5 mile mark was when I started getting tired and a bit cramped at the knees. But I still trudged through
and upon hitting 3 miles, I celebrated inside!
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Time sure does fly! Almost 2 months since I last posted and a lot has happened! Life has been good but also stressful.
I only hope that time slows down soon so I can take a deep breath and soak in life and invest in my future. I doubt
it will happen as so much change is occurring. It may not be until next year that things begin to settle into a nice
cadence. At the very least, I hope I feel like I'm soaring as time flies passed me. But I'd like to at least update on
what has happened!
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This is a response piece written in response to
Forget Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead. written by James Clear
on Entrepreneur. This is an old article as it was written December 17, 2013 but
I just saw it on a friend's Facebook wall. While reading the article, it struck
me the wrong way which is odd because I clearly agree with his ultimate "goal"
(no pun intended). But don't get me wrong, James Clear had some really great
points that I wanted to address! I won't cover everything he discussed but will
try to cover some important ones!
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This month has been really crazy. Finally moved in with my girlfriend and have
most everything unpacked. She still has a lot to unpack but she's waiting as
there are a ton of other things still to be moved up. We have a sofa arriving
this weekend too and man does it feel nice. I've also gotten sick which has
sucked a whole week out of my life. Actually more but it's also sucked 2-3
weeks of my girlfriend's life.
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