Cassandra Installation and C++ with Auth

I had the opportunity to experiment with Cassandra at one point and figured it was worth sharing my experience with getting started on it. There's a good amount of documentation on it, but figured my distilled learnings here could be helpful for others. At the very basic, I think Cassandra is great, it's a key value store has some origins from the Dynamo paper. I've also worked a lot with DynamoDB so it's interesting to compare, though they aren't completely the same.

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Separated Storyboards for Tab Bar Controllers

While working on an iOS project, I encountered the realization that a massive storyboard was a bad idea. It is simple and very easy to implement everything in one storyboard, but a large storyboard has many drawbacks such as being slow to load, it is difficult to get a complete picture of what is going on, and if you work with others it can be difficult to deal with version control. In this tutorial, I will discuss how I separated out the main storyboard into multiple ones and how to get it to work specifically with a TabBarController. At the end, I will discuss why I approached it the way I did and why I felt it was a good way to do it, feel free to correct me or suggest other ways as I am still learning Swift and iOS development!

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Rails 4 Custom Configurations

Update: June 29, 2015: Added a clarifying example for MyApp name and a template on how the custom configuration would look like.
Was working on a Rails 4 side project when I realized that I should make a configuration file for a constant that I wanted. I knew there was a way to do configuration in Rails, but wasn't sure what best practices were so I looked it up. It turns out that as of Rails 4.2 there is now a configuration x namespace for you to provide your own custom configurations!

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Adding a Segmented Control Programmatically

While learning iOS programming, it was interesting to try and figure out building a custom Segmented Control and programmatically adding it to a view. It gives an interesting experience to see how the pieces work together. Just a disclaimer, I am still learning Swift and iOS programming and these may not be the best practices but I hope it provides some interesting insights for others who are learning!

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Creating a Text View Border

I am currently learning Swift and iOS development and it is quite an interesting ride. There is so much out there that I pretty much feel like I have been thrown into the ocean. Anyways, I was learning Core Data and was trying to figure out how to have a text field be multiple lines for a "Notes" section on a To Do list application that I am using to learn. You need to use a Text View to have multiple lines. Unfortunately XCode doesn't include an easy way to change the border style!

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